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Created with ♥️ and Framer • Sara Cudemo - DeBlend Studio | Copyright© 2024


Want to know more?

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Created with ♥️ and Framer • Sara Cudemo - DeBlend Studio | Copyright© 2024




Build an AI-powered business. Simple like talking to a friend.

Before: data security concerns and disparate communication channels, lacking a streamlined analytics process and secure collaboration.

After: secure communication, enhanced decision-making with AI-powered insights, ensured secure collaboration through end-to-end encryption.

Before: data security concerns and disparate communication channels, lacking a streamlined analytics process and secure collaboration.

After: secure communication, enhanced decision-making with AI-powered insights, ensured secure collaboration through end-to-end encryption.

Subscribe here to receive a notification upon our launch

Subscribe here to receive a notification upon our launch

Subscribe here to receive a notification upon our launch

Welcome to the AI Studio! How can I assist you today?

Welcome to the AI Studio! How can I assist you today?

I want to set an AI agent to handle customer inquiries.

I want to set an AI agent to handle customer inquiries.

Please specify the intent and actions you'd like for the AI agent to handle.

Please specify the intent and actions you'd like for the AI agent to handle.

The agent needs to check the inventory and suggests alternatives if a specific item is not in stock.

The agent needs to check the inventory and suggests alternatives if a specific item is not in stock.

Great! Any other requirements?

Great! Any other requirements?

No, that covers it for now.

No, that covers it for now.


Empowering your workflow with AI: Unleashing the full potential

Empowering your workflow with AI: Unleashing the full potential

Empowering your workflow with AI: Unleashing the full potential

Effortless Collaboration

Secure internal collaboration and AI analysis with encrypted documents and end-to-end encrypted queries.

Privacy First

Encrypts all your data with user-held keys, ensuring privacy, and uses in-house AI models for a secure experience.


For a flat fee enjoy unlimited users, integrations, and resources with our full suite of tools, including a free plan.

Overall Capabilities

Centralize social media, streamline workflows with AI, ensure privacy, and offer 30+ sub-features for unparalleled operations.


AI query system provides instant, data-backed insights via chat or voice, simplifying decision-making and strategy.

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What early adopters are saying

What early adopters are saying

What early adopters are saying

  • "Flexy.AI transformed our collaboration with privacy and seamless AI integration."


    Robert Lee

    Managing Director

  • "Flexy.AI's encryption ensures data safety, while AI insights revolutionize decision-making."


    Robert Down

    Business Development Specialist

  • "Flexy. AI made workflows efficient, and AI analytics boosted our competitiveness."


    Joanna Lean

    Customer Service Specialist

  • "Flexy.AI communication, secured data, and provided invaluable AI insights."


    Jonathan Brown

    Sales Director

  • "Flexy.AI safeguards data and delivers quick, data-backed insights for improved strategies."


    John Rich

    Market Research Analyst